We in Colorado could go ahead and do a buyback of AR-15 and similar, and require license, insurance, training, locked independent storage at ranges, etc. for any who want to retain their weapons. Let Colorado lead based on the Australia model. We have veto proof House, Senate, State Governor, AG, SoS, Treasurer's offices.


But we "could".
Leading is good.
Bring on the fight.
Polls favor those choices by more than 60:40


We could but we shouldn't.

Focusing on the scary black rifle does a disservice to the overwhelming majority of gun violence victims not killed by them.

It also ignores the fact that even if CO buys back, they'll still be imported from out of state. We know prohibition does not work.

If people want to do violence then they'll do violence. We need to treat the root causes of the disease rather than continuing with pointless bandaid solutions.

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