The Hobbit Migraine Kitchen's new and not improved..

(Over)Roasted Salsa, (my little 3 hour nap did me dirty) Quacamole and sour cream for nachos.

Still tasty, just very very roasted.

Teriyaki chicken and burger patties, and the finished dish of potatoes, garlic and lamb chops with sour cream sauce.

Food for days! (I hope)

First food pics.

Confit garlic, smoked potatoes, smoked peppers and lamb chops.

Still to come, teriyaki chicken,

Chinese chicken and veggies in oystersauce.
Chicken looks like beef because I marinated it in oyster sauce and soy sauce.

Since today's weather was all levels of blah and meh, made a second batch of dumplings since I had so much filing left over.

Today's dough was muuch better. Possibly because I didn't forget the second kneading 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Anyways, yay! Chicken and cabbage dumplings!

Had my friend over for an 24h nom fest.

Some of the things we ate -

Udon ramen with chasiu, spinach and mixed mushrooms

Raspberry and pistachio pastry
Passion fruit merengue tartlette

Dutch baby with prosciutto, burrata, basil and a thick tomato sauce

Shnacky salad of burrata, mini plum tomatoes, prosciutto and basil with balsamic vinegar and good olive oil.

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Cheesefaced Hobbit

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