
I'd like to see more discussion about why refuses to allow civilians from to take refuge in their country during the current turmoil. I can speculate. But I'd rather hear from those with direct knowledge, or at least with considerable expertise.


PLEASE use proper hashtags. Some of us war veterans who've heard enough bullshit set up those filters for a reason. Thanks.

@FearlessModerate well put. This has been on my mind too, but with everyone ready to bite each other's heads off, I didn't know who to ask.

[Also, don't worry about forgetting hashtags.

I try to remember to use them as much as possible, to be mindful, but at the end of the day, it is not a requirement, only a suggestion.]

@FearlessModerate Hi. These are good questions and I've got a few minutes to answer them before I turn into a rolling ball of fire for the day.

But first, don't worry about the hashtag police, I've been here since Day Zero and I still screw up the hashtags. It's not *that* big of an issue in the overall picture of things.

This'll take at least one (possibly more) toots to answer because I'm going straight off the top of my head without a draft.

See next toot...


Hamas is a Moslem Brotherhood created front group. The Egyptian government hates Moslem Brotherhood and vice versa. Ditto for Hamas allies Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).

Both terrorist groups are supported by Shia Iran, despite being Sunni. Sunni Egypt does not get along with Shia Iran, at all.

Egypt is worried that Hamas and PIJ members will try to escape into Egypt with the refugees and then seek to overthrow the Egyptian government (again).


I've left out quite a bit of other details but I hope this answers your very good questions.

@FearlessModerate It's a good question but the answers aren't really clear. "he government is concerned about security in the Sinai region and wants to avoid being seen as complicit in a campaign that could force Palestinians out of Gaza for good."

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