@Countessa @killingfloorman Matt Damon Mars shit-spuds reference.
@Countessa @killingfloorman I will bring him some seed potatoes
@killingfloorman Working on the time machine right now
@ATXJane I hope you have a wonderful, and owee-free, day.
@ATXJane 😂 💟
@Marc_T_Benedict LOL. He should read my book, Terraform Charlie.
@AskTheDevil Good point(s).
@AskTheDevil I'm not sure if it's rooted in insecurity, laziness, or a reluctance to cooperate. Regardless, it does bum me out.
@ATXJane Yes, that is good. My back is killing me, but I am able to walk.
@ATXJane Thanks, Annette. https://www.bookish-adventures.com/
Writer, kayaker, and nature lover.