@EdgeOErin You love yourself first, deploy introspection, improve, grow. Then explore the pursuits in life that bring you joy and you just might find someone there doing the same thing, good luck!
@MidnightRider Sage advice
@EdgeOErin Be the person you would like to find, somehow the unknown laws of attraction respond to that more often than you think. And there's no downside to self improvement. It hurts me to go to the gym but I do anyway. When you feel better about yourself you carry yourself differently.
@MidnightRider Personally, fresh air and exercise definitely helps with self-esteem. There are times I feel good about myself, times I don't. That said, I've given up on love in my life.
@MidnightRider I suppose. I've tried. Too many disappointments and bad stuff. On the upside, I feed the birds and do all I can to protect the environment.
@MidnightRider Thanks.
@EdgeOErin You like to Kayak and you're good at landscaping too? Those are two excellent points of contact! You have to "run that" sir.
@MidnightRider Thanks a lot. After so many years, I don't think it is "meant to be," but I deeply appreciate your advice and encouragement. They say "it" happens when you least expect it, and I'm definitely in that zone ;)
@EdgeOErin You have to consciencely work on dropping the "not meant to be", that's your first mission. It's not going to happen overnight but trust me you need to eradicate that! You need to get up tomorrow, look in the mirror and say " dammit! it happened again last night". What? Oh I got better looking! 😂 😎 Grab the pom poms, cheer for you. Besides, helping someone with landscaping is a great way to gain friendship, that has to come first.
@EdgeOErin You're holding onto some "stinkin thinkin" I've been there, that term was told to me. Step back Danielson, you still have more in the tank that feeding birds.