Four books that will grow on you.

“A book is less important for what it says than for what it makes you think.” - Louis L'Amour

When I moved to Idaho I read almost all his books to get the lay of the land.

I also really enjoyed Tony Hillerman. My mother’s maiden name was Catlin, and some generations ago George Catlin traveled the West painting Native Americans. I was born in the West. It’s almost like those times and stories are in my blood.

@Jeber I don't know if I have read one of Hillerman's, but I will remember it. And wrt your family heritage, VERY COOL!

Hillerman's novels are mysteries involving Native American cops and criminals. I read them 40 years ago. I'm not sure how well they've aged.


@Jeber I will endeavour to snag one and see how it goes. If anything, it will make me riminess about the old days when I loved the Sacketts.

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