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@opie I dont suppose there's any way I can change my CosCo so it an my twitter handle are the same....


@opie twits = Twitter

and Oh Good God....😅 It does not because its NOT my twitter handle. bejezus LOL...set up my CoSo account in 2017, went Pro and couldn't even use the right handle LOL...oh dear lord.. excuse is I was going to chemo and caring for a dying parent at the same time.

@opie so when I see the "normal and %" on CoSo profiles and mine is unknown?

now I'm going to ask a question I've probably already asked on here at some point, but how do I get my botsentinel rating? I dont have the ⚙️

I've been sitting at my desk, working for the past couple of hours asking myself why I have a headache...and I just remembered I got a flu shot....sheesh..

I've been paying on my student loans since 2004. I owe more now than I originally borrowed. I would have qualified for that 20K forgiveness and it would have set my balance back to what I originally owed.

I really hate Republicans. debt forgiveness and whatnot seems to be only good for rich people.

we're gonna hafta have a community forum about top-posting at-mentions vs replying...

lookin at venue availability...


and twitter is an absolute trash fire, raging out of control right now.. holy cow....You can't trust any account over there now that has a blue check.

I'm extremely disgusted with the majority of Republicans and rich people that buy elections to avoid paying taxes.

@Faay @matuzalem @Brisse
I didn't think it was me since I'm not having issues with the browser access. wasn't sure why the app version wasn't working. 👍

?? Counter Social app not loading on my android phone. whats up?
Ray ID: 7649fcb51a72f7e4

Twitter account since 2012 and never been all that interested in collecting followers like Pokémon cards (i.e. follower count of 300+) must be something only bots or trolls can accomplish.

so, apparently, back on twitter, if you push back on someone bitching about Biden not doing enough EOs to do thing Congress should do, you get called a Bot and a troll.

Musk deal to buy Twitter, is going forward,

@th3j35t3r mice! Great article from Gizmodo. Glad to see they went for some decent reporting.

@th3j35t3r dag nab it, I always miss when you make these announcements!

hello CoSoc family. I've been off in the land of TikTok, sharing knowledge and burning down MAGA igits and forced birthers

@sloopyy you need to scroll it down just a tiny bit . it will stop doing that.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.