
?? Counter Social app not loading on my android phone. whats up?
Ray ID: 7649fcb51a72f7e4

@Eclecticmezzo seems to me that the ddos attacks where coming from a chrome browser

@matuzalem @Eclecticmezzo
@Brisse- you're not the only one affected. ☺️ So it's not you.

@Faay @Eclecticmezzo @Brisse Someone on Linux Chrome. so that affects the browser agent for android etc, when you increase the filtering to avoid the torrent of attacks. It's temporary for sure. Heck we are here using it and its working for me 😎

@Faay @matuzalem @Brisse
I didn't think it was me since I'm not having issues with the browser access. wasn't sure why the app version wasn't working. 👍

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