
Critical Cupcake (NOT a parody Cupcake) 🌈 ♿ ⚛️
I'm not an insect-y person, but Orchid Mantises (Hymenopus coronatus) are absolutely gorgeous.

The mimic parts of the orchid flower with legs that resemble petals and is able to change it's colour according to it's background.

@CriticalCupcake This is so cool! Thank you for sharing. (I'm not insect-y either. Orchid-y.)


They're really tricky to catch in Animal Crossing, too. 😃

@CriticalCupcake I was lucky enough to grow up with these beautiful insects on Okinawa ☺️

It's all fun and games until a flower jumps 😁

@CriticalCupcake I always have 4-5 regular mantises in my yard each summer, I love them, they eat bad bugs

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