Okay, so now Joe's mom doesn't want the dog. There's some weirdness that makes us suspect Joe's dad, because his mom was teary eyed, saying the dog was "too big" and didn't look like the pictures? Like, it wasn't trick photography. Anyway, we have four poms, but this one is adorable and quiet, and she seems to be acting like she spends most of her life in a kennel, but omg we have four!

@Coffee_and_Salt I haven't asked him specifically yet, he's still in the country with her. I'm scared to ask.


@tippitiwichet I hope it’s smooths over and either way pup gets to love y’all.

@Coffee_and_Salt I think I can go either way on it, but only because Joe said he hasn't heard her bark once. Even around ours when they were barking, she was pretty chill. But, if she goes back, maybe she can go to someone who doesn't even have one, lol.

@tippitiwichet all the poms I have met have been so vocal socially. Her being quiet even with the others barking is most definitely chill.

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