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We are usually sad to see you go if you deactivate your CounterSocial account, but several things happen upon account deletion to keep you and your content safe:

1. All posts—including media—are permanently and irreversibly deleted, scrubbed with prejudice from the entire CounterSocial stack.
2. Your username is locked in perpetuity, and may not ever be used by anyone ever again—including you.

"Soft mute" means that you won't see their posts unless they mention you. To turn it on, make sure the radio button is unchecked when muting a user.

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@ChelseaGirl429 Hard mute means you stop seeing their posts no matter what they say/do. Blocking means you stop seeing their posts and they can no longer see yours.

CounterSocial has no algorithm, which means it's on you to curate your experience. Add filters for topics you'd prefer not to see. Soft mute people who annoy you. Hard mute or block people who you find to be disagreeable and report anyone who is violating the terms of service.

Ours is a community. Keeping it that way takes effort on the part of each user, but it is well worth it.

Your inability to quote posts is a core feature that both increases accountability and guarantees that nothing you ever post is going to "go viral."

We don't have to tell you after the past couple of years. Going viral is not a good thing.

"How do I 'quote tweet' here?"

It's simple. You don't.

The ability to quote other people's posts creates too many vectors for bad behaviors and leads to the ruination of communities online.

If you'd like to say something about what someone else has posted here, you pretty much have to reply to whatever they've said.

#Festivus is a time for the airing of grievances, and boy have we got quite a list when it comes to all of you. Show more

CounterSocial is a sandbox, not a cat box. If you came here to dump on this community, then we don't even have time to tell you what's going to happen to you. :trollsplat:

Noticing glitchiness? That's a sure sign that backend tweaks are happening. Take it as a sign that it's time to re-up your beverage of choice and check back soon!

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Did you know: You can click here to watch Zelenskyy's address to Congress RIGHT NOW.

CounterSocial has no algorithm. That makes it 100% optional to follow people back.

There is no obligation or expectation to return the favor of a follow here. In fact, following back can be very detrimental to your overall experience, as it can very quickly make your feed unmanageably busy.

For best results, only follow those who interest you.

CounterSocial is community powered, which means that you are not a product to be a sold on this ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis.

It also means that there are necessary limits on the size of media uploads. Images (including .gifs) must be under 8mb, and videos must be under 40mb.

CounterSocial as a community is very skeptical of those who don't replace the default avatar. To update yours, hit up the internet for a suitable image that's under 2MB, then hop into your profile settings to make it you!

Add a quick bio while you're there, and don't forget to hit the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.

ICYMI: CounterSocial links are no longer flagged as malware by the thin-skinned asshat running Twitter.

Noticing glitchiness? That's a sure sign that backend tweaks are happening. Give it a few minutes. They usually clear up in no time.

This is important to keep in mind here. We're real people and real people talk about current events. Taking a break can be helpful when certain topics dominate the timelines, but CounterSocial also provides many tools to make it yours. Use them!

CounterSocial has no algorithm, which means it's on you to define your content experience accordingly. Mute or block anyone who harshes your mellow, and use filters to omit topics that you'd prefer not to see.

It takes a bit of work, but it's well worth the effort. Seasoned CoSo users will simply bookmark the link below and curate their feeds on the fly. As an added bonus, filters can be TEMPORARY.

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Have you joined us from Twitter, but aren't quite sure how to tell your people where you've gone? If so, we have just the thing for you!

This custom header and avatar will have you sharing your new home with style.

Profile Picture:

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.