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It's nice not having to battle trolls, bots, and a suppressive algorithm for engagement, isn't it?

"I can't get my news here. What gives?"

While CounterSocial takes no issue with news accounts and news aggregators, that they're harder to find here is considered a feature by most CoSo users. Unlike other social media sites, we aren't manipulated into talking about current events. We're real people, so it tends to happen more conversationally.

If you absolutely need your news fix, follow @BreakingNews or find a friendly aggregator.

CounterSocial is made possible by users like you.

Thank you!

CounterSocial is unlike any social media experience online. There are no bots, no trolls, and no ads. You are not a product to be sold, and your safety is our top priority.

We have been called "the PBS of social media" because we are 100% funded by our community. If you appreciate the difference as much as we do, please consider going Pro.

"How can I search for posts?"

Put simply, you can't and for good reason. Plaintext search is too easily weaponized by bad actors and trolls who use such features to stalk and harass users across social media platforms everywhere but here.

CounterSocial's format is more conversational, so our search is intentionally limited to hashtags. Trust us. It's better this way.

"Dear CoSoTips, AITA if I won't update my avatar to something other than the default cracked egg?"

Not to put too indelicate a point on it, but yes.

CounterSocial is an ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis that goes to extraordinary lengths to protect its community from all kinds of nefarious badness online. If you're as grateful as we are, please consider going Pro.

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COSOGUARD is a benefit of Pro membership that scans the dark web for the email address you used when you registered your CounterSocial account. If it finds a hit, it notifies you of the breach.

Pro users can check this by clicking on the little identity icon in the top left of your profile.

COSOGUARD is a benefit of Pro membership that scans the dark web for the email address you used when you registered your CounterSocial account. If it finds a hit, it notifies you of the breach.

Pro users can check this by clicking on the little identity icon in the top left of your profile.

CounterSocial is different.

There is no algorithm here, which makes it your responsibility to curate your experience. This makes us different from other socials in many beneficial ways, one of which being that follow-backs are not expected here.

We'd go as far to say that automatic follow-backs can be detrimental to your CoSo experience.

If you want people to follow you, post about the stuff you like.

"Isn't that like sticking your head in the sand!?"

CounterSocial has been accused of promoting echo chambers over our staunch recommendations to make disagreeable people disappear, however we are adults and don't put much value in that sort of gaslighting.

Use the tools. It's why they're there.

Getting the best out of CounterSocial means using the tools to curate your experience without drama or malcontent. Use filters, mutes and blocks to make CoSo yours.

There is no algorithm hand-holding you here, so it's on you to keep this place awesome for you.

Has someone posted something that you find to be annoying or offensive?

Don't complain. Mute or block them and move on.

Seasoned CounterSocial users will bookmark the following link to curate their feeds on the fly:

CounterSocial is a community that is comprised of real people, and real people discuss current events. You can use filters to limit your exposure to topics you don't like by specifying keywords to temporarily remove from your feed, or feel free to take a break and come back later.

CounterSocial has had a solid 2022, made possible by all of you. Thank you for your contributions in whatever form they take. Our special social media oasis would not be possible if not for you.

We are extremely grateful, and we cannot wait to see what the new year brings.

It takes a village, and CounterSocial is no exception. If you are appreciating this ad-free, bot-free, troll-free social media oasis, please consider going Pro. You are not the product to be sold here. The server lights only stay on through the generous contributions of our amazing users.

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Want to do CounterSocial a solid?

Hop into your favorite app store and downvote retaliatory one-star reviews while leaving a positive review of your own. Longtime users know that we do not tolerate abuse of any kind, and hail the safety that our TOS creates as one of CoSo's best features.

Want to do CounterSocial a solid?

Hop into your favorite app store and downvote retaliatory one-star reviews while leaving a positive review of your own. Longtime users know that we do not tolerate abuse of any kind, and hail the safety that our TOS creates as one of CoSo's best features.

Contrary to many retaliatory one-star app reviews, no one has ever been :trollsplat: without cause. We have consistently applied our Terms of Service without fail for over five years, much to the chagrin of many banned asshats.

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with our TOS below.

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.