"How can I search for posts?"
Put simply, you can't and for good reason. Plaintext search is too easily weaponized by bad actors and trolls who use such features to stalk and harass users across social media platforms everywhere but here.
CounterSocial's format is more conversational, so our search is intentionally limited to hashtags. Trust us. It's better this way. #CoSoTips
@CyberPlayGround @th3j35t3r @CoSoTips
Then you get into algorithm territory, which is not what we want at CoSo.
If they're hashtags you regularly search for, pin them.
@CyberPlayGround @th3j35t3r @CoSoTips on the mobike app I get a pop up for ones I use
@CyberPlayGround @th3j35t3r @CoSoTips I am on an iPhone and get that when I post #, I only have to type the # and first 2 letters.
@th3j35t3r @CoSoTips typing so many hashtags over and over and over
can't there be a drop down box up there like the search box that has the top 5 most used? anything to help me not have to type would be a relief.