There are other people and forums that cover 'Dot and Bubble' with greater nuance than I can - and I'd advise you read the Reddit because there's layers to unpack in this one.
All I have to say on this episode, other than I hope some people were left feeling uncomfortable, is that I owned 'Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini' on both cassette and vinyl, and I won't be judged for it. #DoctorWho
My grandmother used to sing that song ! I think it was more of my parents' generation, but for some reason it tickled her funnybone.
Yes, layers of social commentary. The world of the narcissists who believe they are superior, despite their inability to think for themselves, in the context of being plugged into virtual reality 24/7 and being outsmarted by overgrown primordial oversized, millipedic, in-person slugs, thereby gleefully contributing to their own genocide is...definitely a metaphor worth contemplating.
@Clavius_42 I own a b&w collection f the earliest Dr. Who episodes.