I've used staples on occasion! Done from the wrong side and in a pinch.. works great! (c;
I was about 12, we were coming home from a camping trip in the Sierra's. The truck had wing windows & my side wouldn't stay open. My dad asked me to hold it so more air came into the cab. As we drove thru the Sacto Valley it was 95* & miserable. A huge grasshopper blew up just a smidge above my fingers & left a gross blob of green goo on the glass. My dad's comment, "Well, he doesn't have guts enough to try that again!"
❤ Happy 103rd birthday, Dad! I miss you & your humor! b 6/4/21
Must watch! This is a great compilation of facts by Frontline.
We need many more Representatives like Katie Porter!
Full text of indictment,
Q: How does every other social media website pay its bills?
A: By selling YOU to the highest bidder. #CoSoTips
I don’t know how I missed this but this woman is terrific!
Amanda Tyler testified to the 1/6 Committee, and describes the difference between Christianity and Christian Nationalists.
She has pretty much summed it up, logically.
There's another game based upon guessing a 5 letter word. Go to dictionary.com & search their games. This game is multiple puzzles with the 5th one based upon the 5 prev solved puzzles. Challenging & fun!
I don't attend funerals, myself. Too late to honor the dead, who should have been honored while living. No funerals for my parents, either. It's a ritual of shared suffering, which truly doesn't help anyone. A funeral doesn't offer closure, either. Get up, get dressed, cry in public, speak as though the dead person is in a better place. Such bs. I loved my fam mbers dearly when alive & miss them every time I dream or think of them. Nobody can fix that w a ritual based in religion.
Caring for and supporting our veterans and their families when our veterans come home is a part of our obligation to provide for the common defense.
Democrats are fighting for solutions for veterans and all of America's working families. -NP #MondayMotivation
Wife, mom, atheist/humanist, progressive/liberal, science minded & skeptical. 💞 family, friends & nature.