
This is in Franklin, TN, in the richest county in the state, in front of Frothy Monkey, a hipster coffee spot. What a fucking joke this state has become.


More money than sense, this lot. I grew up about 40 min down the interstate. This does not surprise me.😕

If this doesn’t deserve outrage, then nothing does. Nauseating!

@Ch3fchr1sto What's with the stupid hats? What exactly are they protecting? Are these guys posted to protect that drug pushers...or pimps? Lol


Their goal is to normalize open carry of guns. They're not there to protect anything or deter anyone. They just want people to get used to seeing people in public with lots of guns.

It's stupid.


@tyghebright @Ch3fchr1sto Only white people. Because we know what would happen if a black/Hispanic ect. powrson are seen with a weapon. Heck, cops kill black people for no reason, as it is. If a black person were strapping an assault weapon, racists would be like: "This is why we have to carry because they want to kill us and take over."

@Kittiekatt53 @Ch3fchr1sto

Oh yeah, definitely.
We've never seen more support for gun control than when the Black Panthers were open carrying and visible in the press.

@Ch3fchr1sto Does this achieve what they want? What's their purpose? Are they posted there to deter black customers? How much money are businesses losing due this segregation?

@Kittiekatt53 @Ch3fchr1sto This right here is what they call a well-trained militia.

@Ch3fchr1sto That is quite a display of insecure cowardly ammosexuals. If you need a rifle to get coffee, you are a giant 10-Ply snowflake microdick loser.

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