BEAU😊 Says "Let's Talk About" [cookies, college, and cons.... {TShirt.} 😊
Comments: Ok, I love Girl Scout cookies, and love Beau and all of his charitable work.
As a GS troop leader, Thank you Beau! Support for Troop 6000 is particularly important.
the uk dummies are cousins to the us dummies
always voting against something instead of for something
and it bites them in the ass every time
no one said smarts was part of the job description
theres always room for additional heights of dumb fkery
Rethuglikkkans are dedicated to an autocratic state, support and employ russian tactics to control and manipulate the populace, and have zero moral compass
SCOTUS is no longer a legal authority, but an illegitimate tool of the 1%. rulings from the 1700's are not a valid legal premise, and everyone on the planet save zealots know as much
40 years of hate politics, combined with decimated public education, religious indoctrination, and bought political control, has created a
Last night's Factivist Report where we talk about how the actual departments of government work (since the GOP doesn't seem to know), and the resulting disasters that follow deregulation of industry and the roll back of safety measures.
Please share.
Republicans know magats don't understand most of what they say and just go along with them bc it's frump's party. Republicans need us, (the smarter, more reasonable part of society), to pay attention to them, bc without us they're screaming into the void, including the one between maga ears. Giving them even a second of attention is why they do/say the shit they do.
the freedom party y'all
what took you so long?
the zombie uprising has begun
Interesting, and I wonder how many Americans aren't taking advantage of this program because they simply don't know about it? "Americans Are Saving $500 Million Monthly on Internet Fees"
these people are half grifter half idiot
idiots don't feel shame, but grifters feel it when their appearance fee's get cut because venues cancel bookings
how do you have less snow than we do at the 49th?
hope someones creating catch basins for the melt
hate actually blocks utilizing the executive function of the brain (frontal lobe)
so less mental illness than it is a functional deterioration
but is there a 'breeze' to contend with is the real question
motivationally challenged
more weaponization of congressional committees
when are american's going to rise up against these leeches and demand a government for the people from both parties?
currently processing grief over the passing of my mom, and the slow death rattle of America.
This will cause unprovoked snarky comments (finally, an excuse!)