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Caz ♋ boosted
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Caz ♋ boosted

What baffles me about the whole Embryos are children thing is, when is someone going to claim them for EITC on their taxes?

"Do you have any children?"
"Why yes I do! In an IVF freezer in Alabama hospital system!"
"Um those do not qualify as children..."
"Sure they do! Alabama Supreme Court says they are! I need that tax credit to pay to keep them frozen, so pay me!" 🙄

Caz ♋ boosted
Caz ♋ boosted

Hmm. 🤔

This issue's suddenly big news all over:

These companies could decide to maintain a steady profit and not increase prices to cover cost increases.

But they don't. They prioritise shareholders because - and this is the important bit ➡️ *that's how capitalism works*. They have a fiduciary responsibility to their investors.

The system is designed to funnel all the $$ to people who already own all the things.

There needs to be sensible regulation to stop it.

Caz ♋ boosted

A "Mom For Liberty" is quitting her local school board seat after getting arrested for shoplifting from Target SEVEN DIFFERENT TIMES.

These are the people telling you that you're not moral enough to suit them.

Caz ♋ boosted

This is so cool. I was just reading that there's a white oak tree in GA that owns itself. The man who used to own the property loved the tree and deeded the tree possession of itself and 8 feet of soil around it in 1832.

In 1942, the then 400 year old tree got knocked over in a windstorm. But one of the acorns from the original tree was planted and since it's the legal offspring, it's inherited the deed. 🙂

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Caz ♋ boosted

The Surprise Reappearance of a Rare Frog Has Scientists Leaping to Protect Its Habitat

The marsupial frog, which incubates its young in a pouch on its back, was thought to be extinct in some countries.

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You might be able to grow new flowers in your area!

The newly updated U.S. Department of Agriculture's "plant hardiness zone map has been updated.
"The 2023 map is about 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 2012 map across the contiguous U.S., says Chris Daly, director of the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University that jointly developed the map with the USDA."

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This is how you do it. You can't beat the fascists from outside the system when they've infiltrated the system. You beat them at their own game; then you change the system so that this never happens again.

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