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Hey there fellow ship jumpers! I'm keeping my Twitter for now, but checking this out to see what's what. Hoping to reconnect with all my cool healthcare and comics peeps over here.

My Bird Site handle is mnconundrum

TFW you spend hours googling "how to ... in Qlik" so future you doesn't have to break out a calculator to make a presentation slide

(I realize there is probably a very very limited group of people who could relate)

Look at her acting like she didn't just knock a whole ass cup of water onto my keyboard

I took my kids to a local shell themed gift shop yesterday and my youngest found me this adorable jellybean of a stone. It now sits on my desk so I can get a little serotonin boost when I look at it.

There were also 3 shelves full of baby gator heads, but that was less adorable

Hashtag Green Day Saviors (for those who might not know the reference)

Happy Saturday!

I got my hairs cut this morning, and now I'm listening to God's favorite band's new album while I deep clean my house

My hair is getting too damn long again because I haven't had the energy or time to go get it cut, so I decided to braid it this morning.

Are braided ponytails still cool?

Outlook just suggested "Teamwork makes the dream work!" to me as an email reply and now I want to punch my computer.

That's how Skynet takes over. Not by using weapons of war to wipe us out, but by wearing us down with corny overly optimistic corporate catchphrases.

We went downtown to enjoy the nice cool air and I got to play with the camera settings on my phone. Not bad for a mid-range Android, I think...

The second PODS was just picked up, so we're that much closer to getting the heck out of Dodge.

I feel a little silly about tearing up a little bit while watching the giant box full of our memories and stuffs ride away on a truck, but also relieved that task is complete.

Anyway, happy here's my two lazy dumbasses supervising all the packing and organizing:

Finally finished emptying my storage unit, packed most of what we needed in the PODS and I think I still have room to fit my dining table that I thought I'd have to leave behind.

Legit feeling hopeful about the future and confident about my abilities to tackle what needs to be tackled for the first time in a long while.

And in typical Gen X fashion, I'm highly suspicious of these feelings.

Anyway, good evening CoSo friends. Hope you're having a decent one.

I'd be lying if I said I won't miss anything about Florida. The lizards of varying sizes that run around outside are great entertainment for the cats.

I took today and tomorrow off to work on packing the PODS arriving today and hopefully finish getting my house prepped to be sold quickly and so many cowokers and bosses yesterday were like "hope you enjoy your 4 day weekend, you deserve it!" like I'm going to be spending the next 4 days lounging by the pool sipping on a pina colada.

Anyway, good morning and may you find a moment of joy today, no matter how busy you are...

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