Old or crummy charger cord. Or a bad connection
@BrazenlyLiberal OK so.. bad connection? What would that entail? TYVM
If your cord is loosely plugged into the phone or the charger. Or if the charger is loosely plugged into the outlet.
@BrazenlyLiberal Ah thanks. Everything is tight, I'm trying an unused cord tonight. Are there some USB to power adapters that are better than others? Do you think cord length matters?
We usually get Anker or Belkin, and a loooong cord so I can keep working while it charges.
I am no expert but I'd recommend getting the best charger and cord your budget allows. It's not necessary to match the phone brand (unless you have apple) but it doesn't hurt. Most of the time the worst that happens if you don't is a sloooow charge, but there is a risk of the cheap chargers damaging the phone or even starting a fire.
Thanks, Wolfie! I'm not familiar with brexlink but I'll look for them next time.