Yesterday I asked Nauts what they thought I should do with a deep bleeding finger cut. I should have asked earlier. Because I waited, the Urgent Care people couldn't stitch it up. Best they could do was tape it together and put a plastic "cast" on it. It might mostly grow back together, or not. I'll know in a couple of weeks.

@BrazenlyLiberal @BillieBun

Close within 12 hours for most cuts, 24 on the face. If there's a high risk of the wound being infected, you can give high-dose antibiotics and wait up to 4 days to close, but that's pretty unusual.

@danalan @BrazenlyLiberal Funny; I would have probably looked this up if it had happened to someone else..just was surprised when it happened to me.

@BillieBun @BrazenlyLiberal

The face-saving narrative:
"This scar? This was a bad one. I was in shock, and by the time I got treatment the only thing they could do was basically a band-aid. Left a neat scar, but it wasn't a lot of fun at the time. Gave me a new appreciation for sharp knives, though."

@danalan @BillieBun

I use oxygen at night and in the morning I have grooves on both sides of my face where the tubing was. It looks like scars (for a few hours) and when asked about it, I say with a straight face "sword fight" 🤣🤣🤣

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