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If this child was strong enough to survive colonization, land theft and reservation internment — then white kids should be strong enough to learn about it in school.

Her name was Katie Robideaux (Sicangu Lakota) — J.A. Anderson photography, 1898

- Lakota Man


If she was strong enough to survive this — then white kids should be strong enough to learn about it in school.
- Lakota Man

Bans books in Florida about baseball greats Roberto Clemente and Hank Aaron. Why? Because Fascist Ron DeRacist wants to erase Black people and their contributions from America.

Wildebeest is a new project from Cloudflare that’s designed to make it easier for individuals to set up and run their own Mastodon-compatible servers(takes MINUTES to connect to fediverse)

Today we're introducing Wildebeest, an open-source, easy-to-deploy ActivityPub and Mastodon-compatible server built entirely on top of Cloudflare's Supercloud.

If you still don’t feel a sense of white hot fury that are salivating at the chance to shred and , please consider this. How would you ever pay off your student loans, buy a house, start a business, put your kids through college, pursue your hobbies, or retire if your parents - and maybe your in-laws too - were fully dependent on YOU for their housing, living expenses, and medical care and expenses.

Muslims hope for a boycott of the Jews in Germany because it would then be adopted with enthusiasm in the whole of the Muslim world.

If you use iCloud Keychain on iOS or Mac as your password manager, here's a way to put a shortcut on your desktop or menu bar to make pulling it up easier.

We are Stardust, We are Golden...And We've Got to Get Ourselves Back to the Garden

Crosby Still Nash and Young

Sara Bareilles, Brandi Carlisle and Lucious cover Joni Mitchell's California

(I've Got To Make) The Call
Shit City
by Nite Music
2 tracks, 7 minutes

NITE MUSIC is a rock n' roll band formed in 2022 by Jamie Frey (NO ICE), Bryan Thornton (Holy Tunics), Stuart Solomon (Mean2Me) and Jamie Williams (Phil From Accounting, Golf Lexapro.)

Just in case you didn't already know this, I figured I'd share it here on ...

Julia Roberts’ father owned a theater school in Atlanta and one day Coretta Scott King called to have her children enrolled. She wanted to find a safe place for her children to attend. Roberts’ family and the King family soon became friends. In 1967, was born in Smyrna, Georgia and when her parents couldn’t afford to pay the bill, the Kings paid it.

Republicans and the Congressional Workers Union.

“We’re not going to stop”: Staffers are undeterred by Republicans’ union-busting efforts.

By Li Zhou

(many good links in this.)

Public Libraries Continue to Thrive Despite Defunding and Privatization Attacks

Efforts by governments and cities across the nation to defund the public library indicate a misunderstanding of the essential role that libraries play.

By April M. Short


Twin Towers during the Christmas Season, 1995.

Note the "Peace on Earth" Sign

CodePink speaking truth to power(?) Although I applaud Medea Benjamin's audacity to interrupt theBrookings Institute discussion, I don't agree with negotiating with terrorists because if that worked, there would b peace in the ME. If someone is pointing a gun at your head, they don't care what you have to say-

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Block der Fraun

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.