The price of turkey may have been higher this year, but Melon Husk paid $44 billion for HIS dead bird.

Starting a petition to rename Tesla,
Twitty-Twitty, Bang-Bang.

@maxim7745 I stole this, but I boosted it for you first. You know, manners.

The publisher of Pence's book is refusing to put a spine on it, stating it would be a gross misrepresentation of the author.

Do you remember when Ye ran for the presidency, bragged that his vote for himself was his first vote in an election, and returned his ballot with only a single box marked - the one next to his name?

Pepperidge Farm remembahs.

When you buy a $44 billion present for your orange crush, and he still says no.

@LeftTwitterBecauzeOfMusk If you were to call a small government conservative Republican a neoliberal, their head would exPLOde.

I think I'm gonna have to try that.

@elbutterfield The day after Twitter falls, another billionaire will have a tested proof of concept for the next big thing in social media.

Twitter, but Muskless.

When (and where) should we discuss how easy it was for a single person to purchase (and destroy) a company that hosts essential communication for hundreds of millions of people worldwide?

Goodbye serene mountain town.
Less time on Twitter, more time here and this.
Good week.

"Religious freedom ends when it becomes an excuse to harm other people."

Pete Buttigieg

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