
When (and where) should we discuss how easy it was for a single person to purchase (and destroy) a company that hosts essential communication for hundreds of millions of people worldwide?

@BlisterPearl A very important conversation. Appalling and surreal. Where do we start and who could possibly change this course of events?

@elbutterfield The day after Twitter falls, another billionaire will have a tested proof of concept for the next big thing in social media.

Twitter, but Muskless.

He also owns SpaceX (Starlink), which is only the primary private communications satellite network -- part of which he currently leases to... [checks notes] ...Ukraine.

@BlisterPearl Timely question. Growing up in Canada, we used to hear about something called anti-monopoly or anti-combines laws (now variously called competition or antitrust laws). That doesn’t seem to be as important as it used to be, probably because of the world-wide slow creep of neoliberal policies.

@LeftTwitterBecauzeOfMusk If you were to call a small government conservative Republican a neoliberal, their head would exPLOde.

I think I'm gonna have to try that.

@BlisterPearl Bit of a late reply here, but this 2016 article by George Monbiot in the Guardian explains "neoliberalism", if you're interested:

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