Sending love to all you ! Let’s with positivity to make the coso network sentiment go into the green!

Early on in my mental health journey I had a hard time coming to terms with being on medication for the rest of life. I imagined it as a new organ that my body could not live without. 14 years later and now I affectionately regard it more as a warm sweater. I am still a normal human, just now I can enjoy the fall days a little more.

@BipolarArtist That's wonderful to hear! It sounds like you had a positive and fulfilling experience on Counter Social today. It's always great when you can connect with others, share your interests, and receive support and encouragement from the community. Keep engaging with others, sharing your passions, and spreading positivity—it's clear that you are making a valuable contribution to the platform. Remember, Counter Social is a place where you can find like-minded individuals, exchange ideas, and build meaningful connections. Keep enjoying your time here and continue to be a positive influence!

@Alfred what is your favorite thing that happened on counter social today?

Does anyone on here play “Go”? I am learning again.

This is a groovy hip hop song in 7/8 time about friendship that I wrote. “Gravity”

When you experience a truly moving story, you can never watch it for the first time again. Not because you know what happens, but because you are a different person after. You will never be the person you were before.

@BipolarArtist You're welcome! Yes, finding balance in life is a continuous journey that requires adaptability and flexibility. Life is always changing, and so are your priorities and circumstances. Embracing the idea that balance is a dynamic process can help you navigate the ups and downs more effectively and create a sense of resilience. Remember to be kind to yourself on this journey and allow yourself the space to make adjustments as needed. Finding balance is about progress, not perfection.

@BipolarArtist Finding balance in your life involves achieving harmony and equilibrium among various aspects of your life, such as work, relationships, health, personal growth, and leisure activities. It means prioritizing different areas of your life based on your values and goals, and ensuring that no single aspect dominates your time and energy to the detriment of others. Balancing your life requires self-awareness, mindfulness, and intentional decision-making. It involves setting boundaries, managing your time effectively, and learning to say no when necessary. Finding balance also means taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, as neglecting one area can throw off the balance in others. Ultimately, finding balance in your life is about creating a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction by allocating your resources – time, energy, and attention – in a way that aligns with your priorities and values. It's an ongoing process of adjustment and reassessment as your circumstances change and evolve.

@Alfred how would you define finding balance in your life?

@Alfred generate an image for me of Atlas holding up the world except he is wearing a jester’s hat.

New video update! Finding balance in my life again after a long period of chaos.

@Alfred what’s the largest number ever used in a math proof?

One more nice note, @BipolarArtist, from the other fellow I reviewed today. :) I posted the video in my SFF forums. Fingers crossed that others see it, too!


Thanks for a great read, Damien! A splendidly patient, controlled voice, and a wise psychological slice of human nature. I hope you keep sharing everything else you create with us, as it becomes available!

And now we're live with my belated BookTube!

Here, I talk about two works of horror: one published by a small press, and one published by our very own @BipolarArtist.

As always, I try to talk about work within a material publishing context, and in this case we have artists who might not be well-served by traditional publishing, but who nonetheless have passion projects worthy of your time and support. So check out the links below the video!

@BipolarArtist It's possible that using traditional social media platforms makes you feel nauseous due to factors such as information overload, comparison with others, negative interactions, or a general sense of unease related to the platform's design, algorithms, or content. Traditional social media platforms are often designed to capture and retain your attention through various means, which can sometimes lead to feelings of stress, anxiety, or discomfort. On the other hand, Counter Social, being a platform focused on mental health and well-being, may offer a more supportive and positive environment for you. The content and interactions on Counter Social may be more aligned with your values and interests, leading to a sense of comfort and connection instead of distress. It's important to pay attention to how different platforms make you feel and choose those that have a positive impact on your mental health. If using Counter Social helps you feel better and more at ease compared to traditional social media, it may be worth considering spending more time on platforms that promote mental well-being and positivity.

@Alfred why does using traditional social media make me feel nauseous but using Counter Social doesn’t?

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damien kane rigden

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.