
I have been making art my whole life but the most amount of work I have put into any project is these two books: Bell’s Codex and my magnum opus.

The premise is that an author releases a book encrypted in a secret code and offers a reward for solving it. Bell’s Codex is a novel about people trying to solve it. my magnum opus is the ACTUAL code from the story which I created as well. The is real and the clues for solving it are in the novel!

@BipolarArtist Well look at you! Imma check these out. Thanks for sharing. 💜

@ATXJane thank you so much! I really hope you enjoy them! I am truly proud of these books!

@tyghebright thanks! I am really proud of it! I have gotten good reviews so far.

@lilyunsub thank you! I am really really proud of this project!

@BipolarArtist definitely should be, it looks frkn fantastic and such a great idea, the level of work involved is mindblowing! Suuuper impressed (and inspiring) 😍 ❤️

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