“Purchased for a young man who was failing algebra. Did not realize that STEM learning with this toy referred to ‘Sexual Torture and Extreme Masochism.’ OTOH Jimmy says he found ‘a new kink.’ 3 stars.”

@Apocryphiliac I'm not weirdly okay with this only because I am okay with this

@Apocryphiliac @Jezibaba
Yeah. So realistically, we know it's fiction but suitable for kids? Nope!

At least it doesn't show the release of the meat hooks 🤣 @Jezibaba

@Apocryphiliac We have such extracurricular activities to show you.

@Apocryphiliac The new game that allows your children to open a gate into Hell.

@Apocryphiliac it moves but doesn’t actually summon the demons? 🤷🏼‍♀️

@tyghebright “the blades came dull out of the box. I expect more for $26!” @h2oaddicted

The truth Show more

Review text - "this box Ceno-bites! gift from brother-in-law would not recommend.
⭐ ⭐ ⭐"

@Snipticker Frank is such a cheap bastard. And don’t even get me started about the time he betrayed me to the Hell Priests to save his own skin.


was expecting to be shown such sights, torn apart by hooks instead...free shipping tho ⭐⭐⭐


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