War on Christmas? What about the war on Halloween?
My neighborhood is dead. Everyone is at the Baptist church. Happy fucking Halloween.
@Apocryphiliac But that's holy and righteous. (for some specific definitions of holy and righteous)
@sfleetucker 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
@Apocryphiliac Hmmm... Well, they are all in an enclosed space.... And you've got nothing better to do...
@sfleetucker “Crop dust” them? 🤔
@Apocryphiliac Well, or what's the Dutch Oven equivalent for an entire Church building?
a pew pee-eww?
@sfleetucker We're gonna need a coalition to fill that whole bastard up at once like that. Me and this can of beans alone won't be able to cut it.
@Apocryphiliac That sucks!!
@Tattoomonkey29 It’s super crappy. Next year I’ll make the drive to somewhere better to take my kid trick or treating. Wasn’t prepared for it to suck this bad here.
@Apocryphiliac I'm really glad that mine is 26 now, even here in Shasta County it's looking bleak out there, I blame cursed Fox with their fentanyl freak out, they just want everyone scared and miserable. If I still had littles I'd invite a few over for a last minute movie party!
@Tattoomonkey29 Totally. 💯 Freaking bastards. Who peed in their punch bowl, anyway, that they want to ruin all the cool stuff. Damn!
🤣 Seriously, I’m so PISSED about this!
@Apocryphiliac I am too! I can't twist my brain or heart enough ways to get their perspective or make any kind of sense of wtf is so broken in them and for that I am grateful ! I go back to the old recovery lingo of "hurt people,, hurt people"
@Tattoomonkey29 They're nuts. That's about all I've got. 😐
@Apocryphiliac Stark Raving in my opinion. I've got nothing for these deliberately cruel joysucking psychic vampires!
@Tattoomonkey29 freakin’ ghouls
Consoling my 5-year-old by feeding Flamin’ Hot Cheetos directly into his face-hole. 😂