Hey community, what do you think of TRICK ‘R TREAT (2007) dir. Michael Dougherty?


@FrankCannon How much do you love Brian Cox’s performance as the cranky old man?

@Apocryphiliac Superb.Met him several years ago and he's one of the nicest fellahs you could ever meet.And,in my opinion,the best Hannibal Lecter ever.

@FrankCannon I don’t disagree with you… Manhunter is my favorite of the Hannibal Lecter movies and Cox and Hopkins were both excellent… just… different!

I’m happy to hear that he was a nice guy. He seems like he’d be super down-to-earth and never turns in less than a stellar performance, as far as I’m aware. Total opposite of a primadonna.

Here’s how I will choose to picture your meeting with Brian Cox, btw. 😅😂

@Apocryphiliac 😂 😂 I don't often get starstruck but he's been one of a very few where I was.A scouringly decent man.

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