
Hey community, what do you think of TRICK ‘R TREAT (2007) dir. Michael Dougherty?

@FrankCannon How much do you love Brian Cox’s performance as the cranky old man?

@Apocryphiliac Superb.Met him several years ago and he's one of the nicest fellahs you could ever meet.And,in my opinion,the best Hannibal Lecter ever.

@FrankCannon I don’t disagree with you… Manhunter is my favorite of the Hannibal Lecter movies and Cox and Hopkins were both excellent… just… different!

I’m happy to hear that he was a nice guy. He seems like he’d be super down-to-earth and never turns in less than a stellar performance, as far as I’m aware. Total opposite of a primadonna.

Here’s how I will choose to picture your meeting with Brian Cox, btw. 😅😂

@Apocryphiliac 😂 😂 I don't often get starstruck but he's been one of a very few where I was.A scouringly decent man.

@Apocryphiliac love this movie especially the school bus scene one of favs I bought it watch every year. 👩‍🦰🥰

@redsheri1 I like that it’s an anthology film, but the storylines connect (sometimes in subtle ways, sometimes not). I think they pulled that aspect off really well.

@Apocryphiliac yes agreed it’s well done a classic for sure. Watching The Shining right now. 👩‍🦰

@redsheri1 of course just about everyone loves that film, (except Stephen King ofc!) and for good reason, of course, but what did you think of Dr. Sleep?

@Apocryphiliac I’m an absolute sucker for an anthology film and this was one of the better ones in recent memory. It’s not at the top of my list but I’d rank it above a few in the V/H/S series for sure. And Krampus is basically my household’s A Christmas Story so I’m generally a fan of Dougherty’s style.

@deadweirdo I’m sorta so-so on anthology films, myself, but there are some great ones. This one is close to top-tier for me, because it’s consistent, which is something most of them lack. I *like* the first two VHS’s, but I don’t know if I could say I *love* them bc they’re pretty hit-and-miss. What are your favorites in the sub-genre?

@Apocryphiliac I liked Southbound (2015) a lot. Horror Noire (2021) I really dug, especially the final segment. The Mortuary Collection (2019) was super fun. Tales of Halloween (2015) was mostly strong. I dug the first 2 VHS movies too. Viral and 94 had some strong segments and 99 has some fun ideas but they definitely have diminishing returns. I even dig a lot of stuff like Torture Garden (1967) or Dr Terror’s House of Horror (1965). Depends on my mood.

@deadweirdo I haven’t seen most of those… I kind of avoided a lot of them in favor of singular feature films, but I’ll have to give them a go!

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