Hello, I’m a 40-year-old fiction writer who loves horror movies and punk rock. This is my first post and I don’t know what I am doing.


Wow, people actually responded to my post. This… is crazy. I think I need to take a moment. I was not prepared for actual engagement. With actual people.


take time if you want to :)

we but many of us are really ... nice?

@Lazarus_Rizen Hey, cool! I like that music! And I did love Diablo before I spawned. 👍 The fireplace generator looks interesting… will have to circle back and check it out some more.

@Apocryphiliac Welcome home, internet stranger! Soundscapes are awesome.
I like using the fireplace-gen or the "rain-on-a-tent"-gen (mynoise.net/NoiseMachines/camp) with old diablo-esque instrumentals while I study or work sometimes. It helps a lot somehow. 😅😁
PS love your username. Very clever! I myself am no apocryphobe!

@Lazarus_Rizen lol I’ve been using this s/n for years and this is the first time anyone has ever even mentioned it. 😂 Yeah, I love that combination of weather and string instruments. I can see why you would find it helpful. 🙂

@Apocryphiliac See - this is a much better place with no trolls and no bots - just humans of varying varieties 😉

@Mandypar I frankly am thrown off a bit, lol. Used to getting an occasional “like” from like the same 2-3 people and no replies. That lack of expectation is so ingrained in me that it may have become part of my entire online persona DNA. I am likely to need a recalibration period. 😂

@Apocryphiliac welcome to a place where you're not screaming into the void!

This is a nice corner of the internet!

@ceb Are you guys luring me into a shipping container or something? Fool me once… 😅

@ceb @lilyunsub Nice job on getting all those blacked-out helicopters so quiet, though! 😉😅😂

@Apocryphiliac hehehe i remember my first post. you get used to it. :)

it's nice here.

@Apocryphiliac I know weird isn't it ... a social network that is actually sociable ... I thought the same when I first joined🙂

@th3heal3r I’m so looking forward to NOT hearing about crypto currency. 😹

@Apocryphiliac lol :-) glad to hear. CoSo is filled with special people.

@Museek well *something* is certainly afoot here, that’s for sure! 😂

We should have warned you.
People here actually care and engage.

I also write a bit..


@corlin Nice! I’m not sure why I couldn’t “star/like” that, but I tried hard to. 😁

That was because it was on my PLP, Public Landing Page.

You can turn that on or off in your preferences. It allows one to link posts to outside of CoSo.

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