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If you don't understand all of this - if it isn't ingrained in you that these were the lessons, maybe superhero culture isn't for you.

Chris Reed boosted

Here is the blog version of Radio Free California Episode 2413, including radio station notes, my new music video, and multiple cheap shots at the news of the day.

Not safe for people afraid of swears.


Remember a few days ago that I said I was doing an AI generated video for one of my songs? Welp, for better or worse, here it is:

And here it is, Radio Free California Episode 2413. A very indie list this week, with new music from Mourn, Smack Champion, Slow Fiction, Punchlove, Cloud Nothings, Hollow Head, The Veronicas, Andy Partridge (and friends) and much more. Enjoy!

As per usual, my blog version will be up later today.

Chris Reed boosted

It was going through my head that Ms. James didn't ahve to wait to start the process of collecing the funds that The Criminal owes, but she did as a courtesy. Now that's delayed while we wait to see if he can raise a lot less money.

And then comes the news about April 15th.

Dear Don, Donny and Eric:

If you're so upset about all this mayne next time try not to crime so much and so obviously.

Oh wait...

I cannot totally explain it, but this made me laugh out loud.

I have been working on a new music video using AI - the first and last time I plan to do so. I'm not fond of the style and very few people can pull it off and I don't think I'm one of them.

I've been training the AI using pictures from Jan. 6, 2021. I have to admit, watching it take one picture of rioters looking out a window and slowly converting them into SS Officers has been gratifying.

It's an experiment in the form, but I don't think it's for me. I'll have it ready soon.

My friends, I'm going to give this a plug once again - this is the video for my most recent release, "Ordinary Life"

I'm truly proud of this song. It's epic in stature, length, and has two killer guitar solos.

As for the video, it's one of the best I've ever had done (credit to the animator is on the youtube page).

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Chris Reed

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