Jeff Beck died. 😭
People are saying that the #Bears should use their favorable draft position to get a QB. Have they lost their minds? Fields is top-tier if you build a proper team around him. Get a WR, shore up the lines, maybe a good corner.
It's sort of wild to be watching multiple countries (including your own) struggle with a rise of #fascism all at the same time.
As of Tuesday 01-10-2023 at 18:00:01 ET, CounterSocial has NOT received any warrants, subpoenas or other formal orders from any government agency. Further, as of the same timestamp, CounterSocial has never turned over any encryption or auth keys to anyone. Neither have we installed any law enforcement software or equipment anywhere on our network or provided any enforcement organization a feed of any user content transiting our network. If this daily message ceases or changes you can assume something has changed. Users can always @ me with 'status' for an individual canary via DM anytime. For more info about Warrant Canaries >>>
My office coworker is on the phone and can't stop coughing every 30 seconds and I'm so masked up right now. He's a ways away but we don't have great airflow... If I get #COVID for a second time I'm going to be pissed.
Hunter Biden's laptop is the #Benghazi of the 2020's.
We'll waste a shit ton of time and money to find a big nothing burger.
Everyone's asking what it would take for Democrats to concede a few votes and get this whole thing figured out. Why are they being obstructionist?
I'm reminded of when McConnell basically stated his whole policy was "Stop anything Obama wants to do." #politics
LinkedIn is so insistent on me adding everyone to my connections list. Seriously they won't be happy until I log in and they're like "Hello @AI78, you are connected with all 8million people on this planet."
What bugs now is that so many of the connections are people trying to sell me stuff.
Fallout and Doom QA Testers Just Formed the Biggest Union in the US Games Industry
California weather:
Starting tonight. A very large series of storms on the way. May drop over 9" of rain in San Francisco, in the next 48 hours. Almost all of central CA. is under flood watch, and high wind warnings.
This will be ongoing for maybe as long as a week.
Remember this is not just one storm... but several back to back.
"The good news is that I was able to keep the crazies off the stage. I stripped all branding of those nutty groups and removed videos of all of the psychos. So, thanks to your help we were
able to shield POTUS from direct affiliation."
-Katrina Pierson,
Liaison between the WH and organizers at Donald Trump's "Save America" rally.
No, you weren't able to shield POTUS. Sorry, Katrina.
The problem is that we treat "white-collar" crimes, like large-scale tax fraud, as if they were peccadilloes committed by 'gentlemen,' to be punished by a slap on the wrist if even that.
When we should be treating them like violent armed robberies of public institutions: both are equal attacks on the fabric of society.
They are treated differently because rich people wrote the laws to punish the poor more savagely than the rich.
Professional computer nerd. Pretty much an amateur at everything else.
#DemSoc #antifascist #craftbeer #ChicagoBears #Videogames #Geekery