Or perhaps you'd like a more traditional kitchen with a fully functional oven that you can't use?

Or you just wanted to get back to nature while answering the call of nature.

Maybe plumbing is at a premium and you need to combine two rooms

Cabinet company:
Yes we can make custom cabinets. Yes, almost anything you can think of.
Umm.. yes, I guess we can wrap them in soft vinyl.
Errr. Yeah in theory they can be stuffed too....

Well, I'm not sure what this couch reminds me of, but I'm sure it'll come to me...


There might be a code infraction or ten there. I always drop some from the front loader onto the floor when I transfer them to the dryer. This setup is fifty shades of Wrong.

@0x56 You'd need a small ladder which would add to this mess.

@holon42 @0x56 Anyone have a source for industrial quantities of eye bleach? That was a lot.

@0x56 Need hot tea and a nap with the Puttycat to calm my nerves 🤣😻🤦🏻‍♀️😻🤣

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