
Many people fleeing the birdsite have said they are creating accounts on Counter.Social along with Bluesky, Tribel, and Mastodon. Please take a moment to read about each one, and ask yourself whether or not you think your privacy and safety will be protected on these other platforms.




With Jester at the helm of CoSo, i KNOW I'm protected.
Feel safe and comforted.
Nice feeling.


I'm staying away from the other social media sites after reading up on them.

There might possibly be other good ones, but the 3 above I would be wary of, at the least.

@voltronic I chose CounterSocial because I read the T&C, privacy policy, and FAQ, and I recognized a whole different beast from any I'd seen before. Been here three days and I'm really liking it.

@voltronic I signed up for Tribel, deactivated it within 48 hrs. That place was horrid

@DCliffo @voltronic Thanks. I was thinking about Tribel and held off. I haven't heard anything good about that platform.

@voltronic if people are signing up for all those sites maybe they don’t belong here. I don’t want to see a lot of bullshit gloating over here.

You're kidding, right? You found the right place already!

@voltronic. Thank you.. I am very wary of some of them and admittedly confused. It's a big adjustment.

Understandable, because Tribel and Bluesky don't really advertise these points.

And then ask yourself if "Tribel" doesn't sound a little well tribal. I've seen some of the posts on that site, they weren't pretty..

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