Here is the version of the #starwars Original Trilogy you *should* be watching, instead of the ridiculous changes that Lucas put in over the years:
@voltronic Yes!!! I want to see the same version as the one when I was 8, not an altered one... Even Ridley Scott recognised the need to release the theatrical version of Bladerunner even though he disliked that cut - esp the ridiculous happy ending (I agree) and the VO (which I love!)
Exactly. Han shot first.
@InvaderGzim @voltronic - I still have the unopened VHS from the last pure release.
@0x56 @voltronic
I think I have the laser disk set of the originals... Haven't looked for them in 20n years in the basement since the last move...
Gotta try and dig them out...
@voltronic I saw the original Star Wars at the drive-in when it came out, and I was in awe.
@MovieNights which version are we watching tonight?