While I’m here…any Canadians on this platform? Winterpeg is boring and I need friends lol
@tiaugn BTW, try #CoSoCanucks and you will find a lot of cool people...
@bluesbaby thank you:-)
@holon42 heyyy!
Hi @tiaugn 👋 .
I live in Waterloo, Ont.
We have tags you may want to try out.
#CoSoCanucks #Canadians #CoSoCanadian
#CanConMusic #CanadaRocks #CanadianContent #canpol #canpoli #CanConLit #CanCon
There are more, maybe someone else can help you out with those. Each province has their own set for politics, storm watches etc.
Click on any tag and a column opens up with that content. You can add more than one tag per column.😉
@Krysdammit pleasure to meet you!
Nice to meet you too.🤗
@tiaugn hi
@_Ms_J hi!
@tiaugn I'm out in BC - you couldn't pay me to live in Winterpeg :)
@NorthernInvader I was out there a few years back…so nice out there
@tiaugn It's beautiful. I love the mountains. I couldn't live on the prairies - too flat. 🤣
@tiaugn not from Winterpeg😂 but also from Canada