
I watch this twice a year. cry every time.

"I was searching for a train station. the kind you rarely see. small. countryside. we found it. & by accident, found something else. . i watched her smile at each passenger. then, noticed her wave at the departing one-car train. surprisingly, she continued waving. she waved until there was no trace left of the distant train. no one witnessed her, except me. in that short span, my love and wonder of life was renewed."

"When i spoke to her later, she said at first she felt so shy. and hardly waved at all. slowly, over time, she began doing something she neither needed to do, nor imagined she ever would. so, this is miyako, master of a tiny station in the middle of nowhere japan who attends to every train and passenger that passes by ..."

@thewebrecluse such a graceful wave and a beautiful morning and place… thank you for sharing! ❤️🙏🏽

@Luvkush thank YOU for watching. I like to share it whenever I'm in the place to watch it. I hope people find it beautiful and moving.❤️

@thewebrecluse yup, it has a deep, touching, almost melancholic quality about it… totally moving… as if I was personally there witnessing the whole thing… and felt refreshed by the morning… ❤️


There's a tram car, running along these tracks. The conductor hunched at the controls, more ancient than the mountains he passes. The rest of the car looks empty, every time the tram runs each way.
You don't see the hopes and dreams he brings though, nor the worries he carries away.
The destination board is empty, but the car comes by right on time, whenever the right time may be.
Quiet clacks on the breeze.

@thewebrecluse Lovely. Beautiful cinematography too. Thanks for sharing.

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