: This is how old I am. These were the computers I first ever used. The Sinclair was the first. It’s how I learned BASIC, when I was 11 years old. My maternal uncle had a Tandy at home and at his office not long after that. That’s what I first began playing text-based games on. Then came along the Commodore 64.
@rpardee @thedisasterautist C64 here; my grandfather had one so I always liked when I got to go over to his house so I could play on his computer. We also had an Atari for a gaming system at home.
@thedisasterautist I started with an abacus. 😎
@thedisasterautist I'm still older. 😝
@thedisasterautist The first computer I ever worked on was an IBM System 360. My dad worked in the R&D division of IBM and my mother was a technical writer for IBM as well. I was a "Big Blue" baby.
@GaryPoole: My first mainframe used was an IBM System/38, in 1986, when I was 16. By the time I got to college in 1988, though, it was gone, and a shiny new AS/400 was in. I didn't want to futz with learning another system, and so I went full on DOS and Windows because that was the marketplace at that point.
@thedisasterautist i remember our TRS-80. (lunar lander)
played lots with the Commodore, (Radar rat race !!)
and then ....TANDY 1000 !!
@thedisasterautist yup--fellow C64 kid here. It was the reason I never played any NES games