
Time to get to work, but give yourselves a day to celebrate.

My local EMS protocol update is due today and I encounter this 'gem'.

Tell me where the FUCK am I getting warm liquids from? My bladder?

Like, we might even get election funding reforms! Tech anti-trust hearings! It's hilarious!

It's funny how all the sources of funding for all those Congress members are shutting them off either partially or completely. I wonder if hitting them where it hurts will turn any of these people into 'radical', corpo-busting socialists by accident...🤷‍♂️

It's funny that people still argue that having a failing economy is going to lead to more death than A LITERAL VIRUS THAT KILLS PEOPLE.

A free market economy will recover on its own in time. We will never recover those we lost or the ones we can lose if we fail to be careful.

Heard Trump got banned from Runescape. Pass it on.

Ha ha ha! This is why I try to use open-source textbooks in my classes.

72 hrs since my first dose of the Moderna vaccine, here are the highlights:
After 6 or so hours, started feeling like I caught the flu: sore and chilly.

Woke up the next day feeling like a bus hit me: anything meds that probably help you with the cold will likely help. Advil Cold&Flu and Monster Energy for me.

The following day, felt sore, but like I worked out at the gym. Nothing crazy and much better than post 24hrs.

Today, I feel good as new.

Morning, folks!

Nothing like a cuppajoe to let you pretend you're alive this morning!

Stay hydrated. Take your vitamins. Take a short walk down the hallway. Stretch.

Time to get to work.

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”
― George Orwell

No snow on the ground yet means less time shoveling and more time cramming! 😅

I’ll make a snap review on anything.. and I’ll be right

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