mildbeard boosted

Every opinion is valid. It is based on the sum of the experiences that have been endured by the person who holds it.

This is why I try not to vilify people who have opinions that I don't agree with.

mildbeard boosted

For your reading pleasure,

Here is the latest copy of
The Economist Magazine
for 2020/05/30

Grab it here:

My mother came to stay with us for a week, after my niece passed away of an overdose. She stayed on the other side of my house, where the laundry room is. We had to deliver all her food and coffee, because the kitchen is over here.

My wife has elaborate covid protocols, and we still can't go over there until tomorrow. Today I'm re-wearing the same pajamas and underwear yet again. Tomorrow morning there will be a mad dash for the washing machine! I'm setting my alarm clock.

We finally managed to get the pool heater going, and today is going to be our first day of swimming without chattering teeth. So excited.

mildbeard boosted

Can someone explain why I'm hearing advertisements and voices when I log into

I'm always disappointed when it says "sensitive content" so I hopefully click on it, and it's just some guy eating a sandwich.


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