Secretary of state disqualifies Trump from Maine's Republican primary ballot
While it's true that if the 14A S3 is self-executing, it could allow disqualification while circumventing the due process clause, it seems that the initial implementation of the amendment after the Civil War was targeted at well known Confederates. There was no question that they had rebeled against the government. And so it is here. Res ipsa loquitur.
@feloneouscat @hallmarc
There have been amicus briefs of upto a dozen notable former White House Officials during Republican administrations arguing for both State's rights & against trumps' absolute immunity claim (including Judge Luttig). At the deadline trump submitted 3 attorney's to file Amicus briefs on behalf of Trump alleging election interference and that Jack Smith has no legal standing to bring charges agains trump & other maga talking pts. No cogent responses to any filed briefs 🤦🤷
I'm listening to a good in-depth discussion about this issue along with challenges in other trump cases.
@hallmarc @Bliss
But what about states right to decide how elections are executed? If the feds are going to meddle, they need to pony up some cash.
Can’t have it both ways.