fuuuuuuuuuuck the local radio station is at it again. I wish I had saved my call-in for this instead of the interview dress code question.
they're debating the CA law that schools don't have to disclose a student's identity to their parents and other states mandating that they do. first guy they have on starts in on "if you look like a male I'm calling you a male & hdu FoRcE yOuR BeLiEfS oN mE" and kids identifying as cats & shit (tell me you watch Fox News...)
and the old cliche of "I respect the LGBT community BUT I'm not gonna respect your gender identity" and I'M SO FUCKING TIRED Y'ALL. the DJ is like "I want to know EVERYTHING my kid is doing at school & I don't see how the mandatory disclosure law hurts anybody," YOU LITERALLY JUST TALKED TO A GUY WHO WOULD NOT SUPPORT HIS KID BEING GENDER NON-CONFORMING. What, you think if school counselors mediate that he's magically going to accept his kid & not "beat the queer" out of them at home?
“Respect” only if they do as they are told, he means. That’s not respect, that’s an attempt at intimidation. Otherwise they will attempt to have the kids removed from the parents because the child is “being harmed” by the child expressing their identity.
This is fucked up.