@estherschindler the drunk guy at the end of the bar asked for help getting outside and then proceeded to urinate in my backyard, the nerve.😂
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is currently curled up in a booth with the sun streaming down on him keeping him warm with his rear end firmly panted into his mothers side...
@estherschindler the drunk guy at the end of the bar is staring weirdly at me. Earlier he barfed on the floor after eating too quickly.
The drunk guys at the end of the bar are following me around, and rubbing against me.
Now, the same drunk guy at the end of the bar just jammed his anus in my face
Now one of the drunk guys at the end of the bar has begun to sing to me
(N.B.: it's mere minutes to their lunchtime 😹)
Now both of the drunk guys at the end of the bar have retired to the sunroom to their hammocks to sleep off lunch.
The drunk guys at the end of the bar are now licking each other. In the sunlight.
The drunk guys at the end of the bar are growing annoyed at my taking pictures of them.
@netspionage DEFINITELY been to that bar.
@netspionage I have been to that bar.
@estherschindler - the drunk girl at the end of the bar is taking a nap so she can keep my wife and I up all night.
@0x56 @estherschindler The drunk guy at the end of the bar just flopped down on my desk and showed me his belly.
@estherschindler - the drunk girl at the end of the bar believes that she's the world's foremost hunter, despite having a hard time catching a toy that doesn't move on its own.
The drunk gal at the end of the bar tried to walk through a closed door and ended up asleep on a pile of laundry in my basement.
@estherschindler this thread is brilliant, THANK YOU!
@estherschindler the drunk guy at the end of the bar is chewing on the bars of his cage.
@estherschindler Damn it! The drunk guy at the end of the bar ate his lunch too fast and just puked on the floor.
The drunk guy at the end of the bar just used my grapefruit tree as a cat box, and is now nonchalantly basking in the sun.
@estherschindler The drunk guy at the bar just flung all the couch cushions onto the floor before passing out.
@estherschindler the drunk guy at the end of the bar is currently purring in front of my work keyboard.
@gshevlin Obviously you cannot work!
@estherschindler The drunk guy is about to be evicted.
One drunk guy at the end of the bar urinated in a box in the corner, complained loudly & incoherently, licked his crotch for a bit, & is now passed out on the floor blocking the door, limbs in the air, snoring.
The other drunk guy viciously attacked & ate several mousy patrons, shat a huge smelly pile on the floor of his booth, & is now quite happily spread out on the food bar under the heating lamps resting. Don't be fooled though, he'll eat more mousy patrons in a heartbeat.
The drunk guy at the end of the bar is now burying himself under the bed covers
@estherschindler The drunk lady at the end of the bar keeps touching me, saying "yrrrmphhffff" and sniffing my foot.
The drunk guy at the end of the bar has now collapsed in front of the door...and he isnt wearing any pants.
@estherschindler The drunk guy at the end of the bar is drinking out of the toilet.
@estherschindler The drunk guy tried to tongue kiss me after drinking out of the toilet☹
So many drunks here with me. Most are passed out and one is trying to lick a couch.