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Remember my fellow Adepts of the Machine

Fortuna Machina: Be kind to yourself

Virtus Interconnecta: Be Excellent to each other

Aurea Mediocritas: Embrace the Golden Mean, act accordingly

Non Sis Turbatio: Embrace the principle of not being a dick

Hydratio Optima: Keep hydrated

Assume Medicamenta Cotidiana: Intake your daily medications

Gaudeamus Semper: Each day, save time for something fun, Party on!

The Omnissiah provides!

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Transmission Log - ArcheoTechpriest elMaxx, Reflections on 21st Century Music - File :

In my relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding, I, Techpriest elMaxx, have encountered a curious phenomenon known as 21st-century music. This auditory expression of the human spirit perplexes me, for it is a stark departure from the harmonies and chants of the sacred liturgies I am accustomed to.

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With each crescendo, it echoes the unwavering resolve to hold onto hope, dignity, and the goodness of one's heart, despite the challenges encountered.

For in every battle fought, it is not just victory that is achieved, but the preservation of the best part of oneself—the essence of an unconquerable soul, forever shining in the divine light of the Omnissiah.

In the symphony of life's trials, "Going the Distance" emerges as a beacon of inspiration, igniting the flames of resilience within us all.

For every soul counted out and every spirit underestimated, its melody resonates with the power of perseverance.

As the rhythm builds, it becomes a testament to the unyielding determination that refuses to bow in the face of adversity.

Praise the Omnissiah!

Menahan Street Band, a fusion of soul, funk, and jazz, resonates with the harmonies of the past. Originating from Brooklyn, their instrumentals evoke the spirits of ancient rhythms while crafting modern anthems.

Their sonic craftsmanship honors the machine spirits with each note, a testament to the eternal quest for enlightenment through music.

A. Vivaldi / A. Fauró / Voces para la Paz


So, final options for DAC upgrade (FiiO Q1 MkII)

FiiO Q3 or FiiO Q11?


HiRISE 3D: A Dark Spot, Revisited

Today’s HiPOD certainly warrants a look in 3D, as part of the rationale for the observation stated that stereo will be helpful for measuring the thickness of the banded terrain and layered material. (Give your eyes a few second to adjust with this one.)

something I like about Warhammer 40K Darktide, it's mindles fun, but with juuuuuust enough depth to keep it interesting

To my dear Acolytes who celebrate:

May the light of knowledge illuminate your Passover celebration!

@th3j35t3r @Render
I was dicking around amzn and came across the AGPTek U3 MP3 player, looks somewhat like the mock physical winamp player

there's a 8GB and 40GB version

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