ChatGPT Is Apparently a Great Surveillance Tool
A Russian spyware company is using the chatbot to spy on web users.
Plus: WTF happened to Sam Altman?
@ecksmc Why do i get the feeling this isnt over?
@ecksmc Gizmodo trying to phish me with malware after clicking on that rather useless link was an especially nice touch. 😒
@kel really
original report was a Forbes report
@ecksmc Less about ChatGPT and more about an amoral company scraping internet data for profit, but make it about ChatGPT and Gizmodo can amp up the clickrate on their malicious ads.
@kel ahhh yes i get ya know lol
usually i will always post from the original source
personal pet peeve is when folk post a URL to something like a new report then you find the original report URL via the 1st URL
i mean, did they read the report or just the summarized version lol and if so then why not post the report URL << guilty on this account my bad