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I only can control my own actions. My own behavior, my own reactions, my own thoughts, my own speech.

I can control my expectations; though hoping for the best, I can stop expecting that my choices or behavior determine what is not under my control.

I can control my own attention, if I keep practicing.
I can attend to being peaceful, generous, quiet.
I can give my mind this gift by practicing restraint, calm detached discipline, compassion.

Best i've got, today.

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New? welcome ! :)

the User Guide:

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When I came to CoSo, I had culture shock. It felt a little unreal. No algorythms pushing content, no ads... No trolls driving the threads. No data mining of me, & all my contacts.

It's real.

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None of us deserved these times
the lost opportunities
the stolen chances
the age-old debris of generational damages & toxic build-up
Not a single person deserved the shitstorm pile-on catastrophe that is the age we get for living in.
We have been fuckety fucked over.
Still, we manifest kindness at times,
we generate regenerative moments,
& in sharing them
we create timeless beauty.

We might any or all of us
die tomorrow.
Still we did those moments.

This, behind my smile.

I can't. But if you can - support this wonderful thing. Costs the equivilent of a coffee, a cheap fast food meal / month.

Go Pro

Donor Box

:) Thank you.

My prof pointed this out in class today. It is an amazing resource for looking at race relations today. It is from the Charleston mass murder, but it is, obviously, applicable today.

Smoodies! It's a Mood that you Drink!

Smoodies is Soylent Green and Soylent Green is People! If we were to grind you down and turn you into a Smoodie, what mood would people get?

Epidemiologists, & other Experts:
If someone has tested positive for COVID, quarentined for 2 weeks, then cannot test for next 90 days because it's just going to be positive; if symptoms during the 90 days, how can she know if CIVOD or flu?
Please don't offer answer if not expert on the tests & science.

Friend of mine works in an industry with rigorous weekly testing.

I have Muted more than a few of my newer Followers over this FYI.

I review my Mute list every once in awhile.

Evening CoSo
A friendly reminder for everyone.
Please include a subject hash tag.
This helps everyone, we are a community of different people our passions may not always align. But our strength is in our diversity.

Ok, I am going to logoff for awhile.

PLEASE use and Content Warnings.

I was as asked to join a discussion with 2 other women on Curmudgeon's Corner by @abulsme. We discussed the leak and it’s impact on women. It was a good discussion and you might find it interesting. Anyway. Give it a listen.

Cuz apparently I am not a citizen in the United States of SCOTUS. I am an incubator for men's children.

The Great Experiment is over.
Theocratic rule, presented by oath breaking perjurers against the people; nevermore goverance by for or of the people or with established precedent.

I'd like to revisit secession now.


If anyone is interested, any you should be....address is from the website. Flood them with paper mail. Write a letter expressing your concern. Don't stuff all the letters in one envelope -- write one to each Justice. Let's , literally, pack the court.

<<Honorable Justice so-and-so>>
Supreme Court of the United States
1 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20543

For effect feel free to add this picture (that I saw from a toot here)...

You can be / are many things. And you can bring that here, without fear of judgement.

If I am sad - I can bring my sad here. If I am in pain, that too. But I can also bring my joys, my silliness, my curiosity, my awes, my friendliness.
No one is going to call the mood police on me cuz they aren't here. I can be inconsistent - cuz that's real.

The only thing to leave out of CoSO is ass-holery.

So - share the little victories, & the small joys here.
It is actually good for your health.

Very tired. Need to eat or nap or both.

Here is pop science put out by the Cat World Domination project.

Our mail-in ballots have arrived.

You can bet I am going to vote the crap out of it.

As usual.

Hours checking candidates, issues. Unless they identify as GOP cuz, I really don't care why.

I need tea.

My cat has discovered that walking on tippy toes over my shins WILL get me awake & moving.

I am considering shielding options.

If you love , please give it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating and a positive review in the App Store. The naysayers have had their say; don’t let that be the final word! Thanks!

I saw some outrageous news about something which supposedly happened in Ukraine.

I was unable to confirm the story anywhere, nor the images attached.

So I am going to post this, & urge you to use it, cuz Outrage has costs & risks, & people are complicated.

On Ukraine, I consider @Render reliable & I would give benefit of doubt to any he specifically recommends.

Othwerwise please practice good info hygiene.

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