I must say, as unhappy as I was with folks forcing Biden out, I think it might have been the right call.
I feel energy like I did in 2008. Harris doesn't have decades of negative press to contend with, as Hillary did, and this time, there's no spoiling from other candidates.
I'm allowing myself a bit of hope...
@altucker @sfleetucker I am genuinely shocked at how quickly and fervently Democrats have coalesced behind Harris. after the shitshow that was 2016 and the 2020 primaries, I didn't think we stood a snowball's chance in hell with anyone but Biden. but now I actually have a tiny shred of hope that we could actually pull this off...
@dietotaku @sfleetucker I think most of us understand the stakes of this election. We want more elections - that's pretty much what the risk is.