The chance of goosebumps increases 366% if Chris Cornell's cover of Patience is playing

Stop putting seeds in my bread! 😖

Good girl gave us several solid turds today, and we're thrilled!

Is Jo Koy the love child of Dwayne Johnson and Howie Mandel? Sure looks like it. I wonder if there's a sex tape.

But between vet trips and doggy diapers, we have vaporized $1,000 in the past week :facepalm:

Our dog is such a good girl; her digestive issues are happening between our July and August trips up north

Bummed that Andy Levin lost. Of course I'll vote for Haley in November but it will sting.

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Found a Cheeto fragment in my pajama pants, so yeah life is good

Is Actblue behind all these frantic campaign texts? "It's the speaker." "You started a contribution.."
Makes me want to get a new phone number.

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Take a moment to scroll through the Firehose a tiny bit before posting the same piece of info that a bunch of people have already posted.

Scrolling reddit isn't always a complete waste of time... I saw someone using zip ties to fix screws where the hole is too big, and implemented it immediately!

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For some reason, the wife isn't fond of my new expression "stuff it in your meat hole"... Not sure what the problem is.

Got two more petition signatures this weekend. Due date for petitions is in about a week! Get involved, Michigan!

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And some information on why "Pregnancy Crisis Centers" are the biggest lie and scam for pregnant persons in the country.

Anyone know why people cc: themselves on work e-mails? I've only seen boomers doing it and I don't know them well enough to ask

Usually I avoid Sunday mornings for grocery shopping but this time the gods of perky pokies were smiling upon me 👀

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Justice Thomas has suggested that contraception, same-sex marriage, and bedroom privacy could be turned over to states since they're not mentioned in the Constitution either. Weird he didn't mention interracial marriage rights being overturned.

I feel confident about my parenting because I actually enjoyed being on vacation with them last week

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