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'Chaos doesn’t scare me': Matt Gaetz doubles down after upending House leadership

Lynnes note *** Chaos has no place in government Gaetz is a troublemaker

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Fighting rages a day after Hamas' terror attack. Hundreds are dead and thousands injured. Israel says Hamas has taken dozens of hostages | Follow live updates.

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You can loudly insist that everything is working as intended, but that's awfully stupid when everything is so clearly f*cked.

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I can’t believe, after all this time, I *still* occasionally have nightmares about completely forgetting a class I was enrolled in…the awful drumbeat of awareness that I know nothing for the exam and don’t even remember where or when the class meets.

October is starting out VERY scary!


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Sometimes the good don't die young. Happy 99th Birthday to Jimmy Carter today. May we all strive to be more like him.

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Antietam Creek, facing upstream from the C&O Canal towpath (left), and downstream
at its confluence with the Potomac River (right).

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Trump must be covered as 'a cheat and a rapist': Ex-White House reporter unloads on press

Lynnes note*** Yes that is what he is

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CNN; MSNBC; CNBC; ABC; CBS; NBC: Trump found guilty of fraud.

Fox: Biden wears sneakers

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